Basic Approach

The AOKI Group recognizes conservation of the global environment as a priority issue and strives to reduce environmental impact in each of its  businesses. The Group endorsed the TCFD recommendations, which encourage corporations to disclose information on the effects climate change has on them, and we will further promote disclosure of information in line with these recommendations and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.


Discussing and Responding to Climate Change via the Sustainability Committee

In December 2021, AOKI Holdings established the Sustainability Committee consisting of the directors of AOKI Holdings, department heads and the presidents of the Group companies. In general, the Committee meets twice a year. The Committee assesses the business risks and opportunities climate change poses, and also discusses annual and medium- to long-term plans and with an eye on the sustainable growth of the Group as a whole, reporting its findings to the Board of Directors.

In response to the reports of the Sustainability Committee on the important matters it discusses as well as on the progress of its plans, the Board of Directors monitors the status of initiative implementation and also drafts and implements business plans taking into consideration climate change matters.


Climate Change Risks and Opportunities, Their Effects on Businesses, and Measures

Matters such as the tightening of regulations regarding greenhouse gas emissions in light of their effect on climate change, the transition to renewable energy, and changes in consumer consumption trends could potentially affect the AOKI Group’s businesses and financial affairs. The following is a list of the risks and opportunities whose effects on the AOKI Group are anticipated to be between medium and large as of the present time.

Major Anticipated Risks and Opportunities

1) Risks

Type Details Risks recognized
by AOKI Holdings
and each business
Effect on
the AOKI
Fashion Bridal Entertainment
Increased store operation costs due to tightened regulations such as a carbon tax or carbon pricing Large
Restrictions on product or service provision due to usage restrictions concerning product or other materials (plastic, etc.) Medium
Technologies Delay in introducing environmentally-friendly materials, loss of product sales opportunities due to cost increase associated with changeover Medium
Markets Decrease in demand for existing products such as heavy clothing, and customer attrition due to delay in developing products which address global warming Large
Destabilization of ingredient supply and cost increases due to increased cost prices of ingredients Medium
Reputation Alienation of customers due to delay in transition to decarbonization and related initiatives Large
Increased financing costs due to decline in investor evaluation with regard to initiatives Medium
Acute Loss of sales opportunities due to production area and distribution network disorder as well as reduction in store operation as a result of disasters or infectious diseases Large
Chronic In accordance with temperature increase, increase in costs such as energy expenses and decrease in demand for products and services Medium

2) Opportunities

Type Opportunities recognized
by AOKI Holdings
and each business
Effect on the AOKI Group
AOKI Holdings Fashion Bridal Entertainment
Resource efficiency Application of recycling Cost reductions and improved value thanks to raw materials recycling Large
Energy sources Shift from thermal power generation to renewable energy Cost reductions thanks to expanded use of renewable energy Large
Products and services Development and expansion of products and services which can contribute to carbon reduction and decarbonization Development of new, sustainable products and services Large
Markets Access to new and developing markets Incorporation into the AOKI Group’s business portfolio of new, high-growth businesses which address climate change, and consideration of expansion into new markets Medium
Resilience Resource alternatives and diversification Development of alternative raw materials and strengthening of cooperation with raw material suppliers Large

Risk Management

Managing Climate Change Risks through Three-Committee Cooperation

Groupwide risks are managed by the Compliance Committee and Risk Management and Information Security Committee. With regard to risks from climate change, the Sustainability Committee assesses the degree of impact they will have on businesses and determines appropriate policies. The advancement of these policies is shared between the Compliance Committee and Risk Management and Information Security Committee. The Sustainability Committee informs the Board of Directors about major risks it has identified and proposes responses to these risks. In turn, with the approval of the Board of Directors, the Sustainability Promotion Department, the Sustainability Committee’s secretariat, plays a central role in said responses.

Metrics and Targets

This figure includes results from the consolidated second quarter of fiscal 2022 due to the subsidiary acquisition of RUNSYSTEM CO., LTD. in June 2022.

Mainly, AOKI, Anniversaire, KAIKATSU FRONTIER and RUNSYSTEM are engaged in the Fashion Business, Bridal Business and Entertainment Business, respenctively.

Current Status of the AOKI Group

CO2 emissions

(base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Entire AOKI Group 124,381 114,157 113,818 112,989 119,324


(base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Entire AOKI Group 2,370 2,732 2,775 2,890 3,178
AOKI Holdings and AOKI 953 776 735 662 723
Anniversaire 1,036 920 454 490 506
KAIKATSU FRONTIER 381 1,036 1,586 1,738 1,797
RUNSYSTEM - - - - 152

Scope 2 (Market Base)

(base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Entire AOKI Group 122,011 111,425 111,043 110,099 116,146
AOKI Holdings 720 733 741 909 423
AOKI 38,476 31,044 28,554 28,617 25,311
Anniversaire 6,253 5,698 4,245 3,880 4,016
KAIKATSU FRONTIER 76,562 73,950 77,503 76,693 82,884
RUNSYSTEM - - - - 3,512

Scope2 (Location Base)

(base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Entire AOKI Group 128,914 112,143 111,086 110,646 115,821
AOKI Holdings 833 764 848 830 428
AOKI 42,550 34,445 30,680 28,199 25,746
Anniversaire 6,722 5,378 4,153 3,858 3,431
KAIKATSU FRONTIER 78,819 71,556 75,405 77,759 82,719
RUNSYSTEM - - - - 3,496

Greenhouse gas emissions

(base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Scope 1 2,370 2,732 2,775 2,890 3,178
Scope 2 (Market Base) 122,011 111,425 111,043 110,099 116,146
Scope 3 - - - - 325,079
Category 1 Purchased products and services - - - - 250,912
2 Capital goods - - - - 24,956
3 Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope 1 and 2 - - - - 18,970
4 Upstream transportation and distribution - - - - 2,497
5 Waste from opereations - - - - 12,731
6 Business trips - - - - 1,179
7 Employee commuting - - - - 3,031
8 Upstream leased assets - - - - 0
9 Downstream transportation and distribution - - - - 442
10 Processing of sold products - - - - 0
11 Use of sold products - - - - 0
12 End-of-life treatment of sold products - - - - 4,843
13 Downstream leased assets - - - - 0
14 Franchises - - - - 5,518
15 Investments - - - - 0
Scope 1+2+3 - - - - 444,403


The AOKI Group is promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions in order to reduce its environmental impact. The Group is aiming to reduce its per-store Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 50% in comparison to fiscal 2017 (ended March 31, 2018) levels by fiscal 2030. In addition, the Group is also carrying out Scope 3 disclosure. Further, the AOKI Group is considering introducing an internal carbon pricing scheme and is planning to promote further initiatives aimed at achieving zero CO2 emissions across its entire supply chain by 2050.

Per-store CO2 emissions

Actual Targets
(base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2030 FY2050
Entire AOKI Group (t-CO2) 124,381 114,157 113,818 112,989 119,324 - 0
Numbers of corresponding AOKI Group stores (Locations) 1,256 1,253 1,299 1,328 1,351 - -
Per-store (t-CO2) 99.0 91.1 87.6 85.1 88.3 49.5 0.0


CO2 Reduction Targets (Per-Store)

The AOKI Group will continue to consider metric and target items.