Financial highlights for the past five years

(Yen in millions)
2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Net sales 180,220 143,169 154,916 176,170 187,716
Operating profit or loss 6,649 -5,793 5,443 10,235 13,860
Ordinary profit or loss 5,501 -6,606 4,360 8,430 13,235
Profit or loss attributable to owners of parent 447 -11,931 2,563 5,632 7,574
Net assets per share (Yen) 1,641.34 1,479.87 1,496.80 1,554.37 1,627.63
Net income or loss per share (Yen) 5.23 -140.77 30.21 66.34 90.03
ROE(Return on equity) (%) 0.3 -9.0 2.0 4.3 5.6
ROA(Ordinary profit on total assets) (%) 2.4 -2.8 1.9 3.6 5.6
Number of stores 1,253 1,299 1,328 1,429 1,387
Number of fulltime employees 4,010 3,487 2,988 2,967 3,014
Shares outstanding at the end of period
(in thousands, excluding treasury stock)
84,675 84,796 84,902 84,902 84,022

Note1:Figures before the fiscal year ended March 2021 have not been retrospectively adjusted for revenue recognition accounting standards.


Note2:Acquisition of RUNSYSTEM Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary in June 2022. Reflected in results from the second quarter of FY3/23.