Segment Information for the past five years

Percentage of Sales by Business Segment

Sales by Business Segment

(Yen in millions)
2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Fashion 114,404 98,352 85,387 88,642 94,519
Anniversaire and Bridal 25,433 22,270 8,033 7,976 9,412
Entertainment 54,102 58,388 48,499 56,993 71,269
(of which) Café Complex 36,797 44,280 41,432 50,358 61,398
(of which) Karaoke Facility 17,305 14,108 7,067 6,635 9,870
Real Estate Leasing 3,116 3,624 3,876 4,429 4,807
Consolidated 195,054 180,220 143,169 154,916 176,170

Operating Profit or loss by Business Segment

(Yen in millions)
2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Fashion 7,263 2,886 1,499 4,795 6,662
Anniversaire and Bridal 2,169 439 -3,088 -580 385
Entertainment 3,182 2,672 -5,190 590 3,333
(of which)Café Complex 2,159 1,618 -3,732 1,355 3,709
(of which)Karaoke Facility 1,023 1,053 -1,458 -765 -375
Real Estate Leasing 638 668 678 883 746
Consolidated 13,491 6,649 -5,793 5,443 10,235

Note1: Starting in FY3/20, the business related to real estate leasing is reclassified and presented as a separete segment titled "Real Estate Leasing Business." profit/loss on real estate leasing is included in operating profit/loss instead of non-operating profit/expenses. FY3/19 figures reflect this reclassification.


Note2:Figures before the fiscal year ended March 2021 have not been retrospectively adjusted for revenue recognition accounting standards.


Note3:Acquisition of RUNSYSTEM Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary in June 2022. Reflected in results from the second quarter of FY3/23.