Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/25 compared to FY3/24
First half (April 1, 2024~September 30, 2024)
Second half (October 1, 2024~March 31, 2025)
Closed:ORIHICA 1
Note : The figures above are based on preliminary latest data,definitive figures may change.
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/24 compared to FY3/23
First half (April 1, 2023~September 30, 2023)
Second half (October 1, 2023~March 31, 2024)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/23 compared to FY3/22 (45KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/22 compared to FY3/21 (45KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/21 compared to FY3/20 (31KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/20 compared to FY3/19 (31KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/19 compared to FY3/18 (31KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/18 compared to FY3/17 (9KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/17 compared to FY3/16 (43KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/16 compared to FY3/15 (9KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/15 compared to FY3/14 (43KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/14 compared to FY3/13 (39KB)
Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/13 compared to FY3/12 (39KB)