Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/25 compared to FY3/24

First half (April 1, 2024~September 30, 2024)

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 1st half
Sales for Existing Stores(%) 97.6 101.4 113.9 104.1
Number of customers for Existing Stores(%) 94.3 98.0 112.7 101.8
Average sales per customer for
Existing Stores(%)
103.6 103.5 101.0 102.3
Sales for All Stores(%) 97.2 100.3 113.0 103.3
Number of customers for All Stores(%) 93.5 96.3 111.6 100.6
Average sales per customer for All Stores(%) 103.9 104.2 101.3 102.7
Number of stores AOKI 498 498 498 498
Number of stores ORIHICA 96 96 96 96
Number of stores Total 594 594 594 594

Second half (October 1, 2024~March 31, 2025)

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2nd half Total
Sales for Existing Stores(%) 104.1
Number of customers for Existing Stores(%) 101.8
Average sales per customer for
Existing Stores(%)
Sales for All Stores(%) 103.3
Number of customers for All Stores(%) 100.6
Average sales per customer for All Stores(%) 102.7
Number of stores AOKI 498
Number of stores ORIHICA 96
Number of stores Total 594

Note:The figures above are based on preliminary latest data,definitive figures may change.

Fashion Business (AOKI and ORIHICA) Percentage Change FY3/24 compared to FY3/23

First half (April 1, 2023~September 30, 2023)

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 1st half
Sales for Existing Stores(%) 108.8 99.3 101.7 113.1 111.9 106.8 106.4
Number of customers for Existing Stores(%) 105.8 94.4 94.6 107.9 107.7 101.9 101.5
Average sales per customer for
Existing Stores(%)
102.9 105.1 107.4 104.8 103.8 104.8 104.8
Sales for All Stores(%) 105.9 97.0 98.8 110.6 110.4 105.1 104.0
Number of customers for All Stores(%) 101.7 91.7 90.7 104.2 105.4 99.7 98.2
Average sales per customer for All Stores(%) 104.1 105.8 109.0 106.1 104.7 105.4 105.9
Number of stores AOKI 498 497 497 496 496 498 498
Number of stores ORIHICA 99 98 97 97 96 96 96
Number of stores Total 597 595 594 593 592 594 594

Second half (October 1, 2023~March 31, 2024)

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2nd half Total
Sales for Existing Stores(%) 99.3 108.2 105.0 101.7 105.7 108.6 105.3 105.7
Number of customers for Existing Stores(%) 92.6 96.6 98.6 95.1 100.1 103.6 98.0 99.6
Average sales per customer for
Existing Stores(%)
107.3 112.1 106.5 106.9 105.5 104.8 107.5 106.2
Sales for All Stores(%) 99.7 108.1 104.7 101.3 105.7 114.9 107.0 105.8
Number of customers for All Stores(%) 92.8 96.0 97.5 94.0 99.7 103.8 97.5 97.8
Average sales per customer for All Stores(%) 107.4 112.6 107.4 107.8 105.9 104.9 108.1 107.2
Number of stores AOKI 497 498 498 497 498 498 498 498
Number of stores ORIHICA 97 97 97 97 95 95 95 95
Number of stores Total 594 595 595 594 593 593 593 593